Friday, January 9, 2009

You know, there's a lot of pressure with the "first post" on a new blog. I mean, if it's a flop, then who's going to want to come back for more? But then again, who's my audience? Is it you, dear reader? are precious, no doubt, but, no, it is not you. I confess I write for the Most High. He is my source, my "muse" if you will. It's in Him I live, move and have my being. So I suppose that He alone will judge if what overflows from my heart onto this cyber page is worthy. A worthy, fragrant offering before His eternal throne that brings a smile to His holy, beautiful, ever-extending heart of love. Yes, I write for Him. And by His grace, I exist for Him. Well, sweet sister...the smell of freshly baked cookies is in the air (I wonder if we smell like cookies out of the oven to Him sometimes? I hope so.) My hubby is anxiously waiting with a glass of milk in the other room. It's "date" night. I better run before he sneaks one or two of my share :)

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