Sunday, February 22, 2009

Facebook Jesus

I took the plunge and joined the rest of this planet on facebook the other night. What took me so long? Well, you know...I still hang on to the old forms of communication - phone, snail mail, email...and now blogging and facebook. Hello? I could be on the computer everyday, all day, just trying to manage it all. But it's fun, isn't it? I confess to a slight facebook "high" after sending and receiving friend invites. I wonder, what would Jesus write if He were on facebook?

I like the idea of my heart being His wall. And He writes on it all the time. Little messages here and there from the breath of His Spirit alive in me. I especially love it when He posts a picture on my heart - something I can take with me throughout the day. What has He posted on your heart, dear friend? A "Hey - loved our conversation over coffee together this morning..." or "You looked so beautiful today - I mean, the way you sacrificed your time for that hurting friend is so ME." Or maybe, "Hey there- I've been writing on your wall for the past several days but haven't heard from you. Seems you have too many other friends right now. I know what's going on with you. Wanna talk about it? I love you so much. I'll be here when you write back."

I'm not here to psycho-analyze why each of us is or isn't on facebook or email or whatever form of techie communication we may use. I'm just simply wondering out loud. So while it's quiet in the house, the kids are tucked in tight, I think I'll just resist that urge to check my email one last time and search for one last little friend on fb. I see the writing on the wall - (no, thank goodness not the wall in Daniel 5 :) The writing on the wall of my heart. I have a facebook date with the King of Kings...and I can't wait :)


  1. it is fun inviting friends...I don't really want to talk with them, I just want to snoop on their profile and see what they are up to now. I'm not sure how that relates spiritually though :)

  2. I want it to be known that Jonathan wrote the above post.
